NATIONWIDE COVERAGE - Teams located throughout the UK
SE Office:- 01483 618336
Midlands:- 0121 314 6133
Pallet Racking Repairs
Assure Build works with a variety of products and manufacturers to enable us to repair your storage equipment on-site with minimal fuss. We offer a 24/7 call out for emergencies.
There is no charge for this call-out and we will get a quote to you the same day.
With a wide range of stock, we will endeavour to get your warehouse up and running again, avoiding precious down time and pallet space loss.
If we can utilise spares from your existing equipment, we will!
Racking Repairs
Assure Build can work with any type of racking, to replace or repair. If you have an old system that is difficult or impossible to find parts for, we can always look for alternative options by utilising your existing materials .
Working from your yearly or six monthly inspection report, we can repair your racking quickly and economically.
Risk assessments and method statements will also be supplied. If you need a qualified SEMA inspector for your racking inspection then please get in touch.
Using an independent company, like ourselves, will save you costly manufacturers charges. We can work with you to decide on budget and a variety of suppliers for any new equipment required thus avoiding any hard sales pitches every time you need just a simple repair!